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In 2019 we started a partnership to make the well known KAIROS Course available for teaching about mission as part of our vision to send missionaries to serve refugees and to see a church that extends and blesses nations whether by going to the nations... or by welcoming those who are already in our country..
KAIROS is designed to educate, inspire and challenge Christians to meaningful participation in God’s heart for all the nations. It is a tool God is using to help transform the worldview of believers, so they see themselves as having been blessed in order to be a blessing to all people groups.
KAIROS is a nine-session course that covers four major areas:
Biblical – We discover that mission lies at the center of God’s concern.
Historical – God’s mission purpose can be seen throughout history.
Strategic – We learn about strategy and key mission strategies
Cultural – Mission involves crossing cultures.
KAIROS uses a variety of learning methods and activities such as:
Devotional Teaching, Prayer for Least Reached Peoples, Introductions to Readings, Video Teachings, Readings, Worksheets, Small Group Interaction, Special Cultural Activities

January 2019:
A KAIROS Course conference for youth believers, to teach about mission work and church mobilizing, presented in English for 6 attendees for 4 days in Alexandria.
February 2019:
A one day training of KAIROS Course interface, for church leaders, to teach about mission work and church mobilizing in Cairo for 27 attendees.
A KAIROS Course conference for believers, to teach about mission work and church mobilizing for 5 days in Cairo for 30 attendees.
March 2019:
A KAIROS Course conference for believers, to teach about mission work and church mobilizing for 5 days in Suez for 10 attendees.
April 2019: 
A one day training of KAIROS Course interface, for church leaders, to teach about mission work and church mobilizing in Cairo for 8 attendees, presented in English.
A KAIROS Course conference for believers, to teach about mission work and church mobilizing for 5 days in Cairo for 9 attendees, presented in English.
May 2019:
A one day training of KAIROS Course interface, for church leaders and Pastors, to teach about mission work and church mobilizing in Minia for 40 attendees.
. June 2019:
One day training for Trauma counseling and evangelizing for around 10 attendees each.
A one day training of KAIROS Course interface, for church leaders, to teach about mission work and church mobilizing in El Obour City Cairo, for 24 attendees.
A KAIROS Course conference for believers, to teach about mission work and church mobilizing for 5 days in El Obour City Cairo, for 25atendees
August 2019:
A KAIROS Course conference for believers, to teach about mission work and church mobilizing, presented during the month on 5 Saturdays in Cairo for 11 attendees 7 of them graduated with a certificate.
September 2019:
A KAIROS Course conference for church and ministries’ leaders in Jordan, to teach about mission work and church mobilizing, for 7days for 17 attendees.
November 2019:
KAIROS Course training for believers for 2 days to teach about mission work and church mobilizing, for around 15 attendees.
KAIROS Course training for believers for 20 days to teach about mission work and church mobilizing, for around 15 attendees, to be presented as twice a week, and it will extend to December.
December 2019:
KAIROS Course training for believers for 3 days to teach about mission work and church mobilizing, for around 15 attendees.
KAIROS Course conference for believers for 5 days to teach about mission work and church mobilizing in Minia, for around 25 attendees.

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